Alabama CFO is June 1-6, 2025


Camp Farthest Out is a Christian Organization which holds nondenominational, spirit-filled camps and retreats in various locations throughout the world.  Each CFO is planned through prayer by volunteers from many different churches, traditions, and backgrounds, with an emphasis on a vital experience with God through Jesus Christ our Savior.  CFO is open to all who hunger and thirst for a deeper relationship with Jesus.  The activities at camp can be best described as experiences that pull us from the routine of the every day world and immerse us in His Love.  CFO is rooted in prayer and focuses on the grace and mercy of God's heart.  Our retreats will challenge you to be passionate about your faith and your commitment to live your life as a Christ-Follower. 


Alabama CFO is a non-denominational Christian gathering held every year the first full week of June at Camp Sumatanga. Camp Sumatanga is a Methodist Conference campground rated by national experts as one of the most beautiful camps in America. It's 1,700 wooded acres provide a place of beauty and inspiration enjoyed by all ages. Modern facilities near a fifty-five acre lake nestle at the foot of a cross crowned mountain. A lovely chapel on the top of the mountain is a cherished place to many CFO'ers. Hiking trails, tennis courts, playing fields, fishing, a swimming pool and a playground enhance the facilities. All ages are welcome at Alabama CFO. While the emphasis is the family, singles are welcome and encouraged to come. Meaningful experiences are planned for all age groups.

