7:30 am | Meditation | 2:30 pm | Recreation |
8:00 am | Breakfast | 4:00 pm | Prayer Groups*# |
9:00 am | Morning Talk*# | 5:15 pm | Supper |
10:10 am | Rhythms*# | 7:15 pm | Worship* |
11:00 am | Creatives*# | 8:00 pm | Evening Talk*# |
12:00 pm | Lunch | 9:00 pm | Afterglow |
1:30 pm | Rest | 11:00 pm | Lights Out |
- * Nursery open for infants and young preschoolers
- # Children's program (ages 3 - 11)
The format above is a typical daily schedule and is generally followed. This format is what Glenn Clark (the founder of CFO) envisioned and implemented to achieve that sought-for-balance: listening, participating, taking in, giving out. Campers are encouraged to attend camp for the full week to receive maximum blessings. Below is a brief explanation of the various parts of the daily program.
Meditation - The day begins with listening to God, a meditation period during which we quietly prepare ourselves for the day ahead with the Lord.
Singing - Music is an important part of the daily CFO program. A hearty, jubilant time of participating together in songs of praise and thanksgiving lifts our spirits, establishes a joyful tone of rejoicing and leads us into meaningful worship in the Lord's presence.
Speaking - The speaking leaders provide us with the opportunity to take in the messages that God has prepared for us that day. These leaders do not preach to us, but rather, they share how the Lord is working in their lives. Their goal is to assist in blending the diverse body of believers into oneness in the basic teachings of Jesus. Whether a lay person or ordained minister, the speaking leader is primarily a camper, especially anointed to serve in that specific capacity.
Rhythms - Also called "Devotion in Motion", this group activity combines dance, music, and exercise in an uninhibited, child-like giving of ourselves in praise, worshiping with body, mind and spirit.
Creatives - These are opportunities for release and self-discovery utilizing various techniques for expressing oneself in revealing what the Lord has given to each. These techniques include:
- Writing - After brief prayer or meditation, the messages that emerge as statements, essays, poems, or psalms reveal that the Lord works wonders, even - and often especially - in those unaware of a talent for writing.
- Art - Again using the power of the Lord from within,expressions that are meaningful and often beautiful emerge through various media such as oils, chalks, watercolors, and finger paints. One need not be an artist to participate.
- Others - Although writing and art were the only creatives in the early camps, others have emerged. In addition to writing and art, Alabama CFO often offers creatives in areas of Nature, Drama, Conversation, and Music. The primary objective of Creatives is to provide an opportunity for each and every individual to express the love of God.
Free Time - Not to be minimized in the daily camp program is the free time provided to withdraw, reflect, and renew. As joyful and invigorating as are all of the planned elements, they can be exhausting as well; so this time is provided first for rest and then for recreation of one's own choosing, be it in sports, reading, or just visiting with other campers. It's a loving respite.
Prayer Groups - Prayer is the foundation of Camps Farthest Out. The purpose of the prayer groups is to learn more about God and experience His loving presence...to seek and expect the fruits of prayer - receiving, accepting, using, applying, living, and sharing the answers to prayer. We look to Jesus Christ, seek His mind, lift our awareness of Him, come into a sense of unity, and then focus on specific needs. Each group is small in number to encourage openness and trust. A CFO prayer group is an opportunity for each person to be used by God in a unique way. It is a time in which we discover the power of prayer through praying---interceding for the camp and ministering to one another.