Alabama CFO is such a true blessing. It remains a priority for me and my family every summer.  The kids choose CFO over the beach or Disney any day and have their entire lives.  I have attended for 43 consecutive years, my son 23 years, my daughter 13 years so far and we will continue to schedule our time with the Lord and our CFO family! Sometimes you just need simple time out in the woods to leave the world and find the Lord. If you need time with friends, time to grow your relationships, CFO is a must.  You wont regret it.  

Kimberly P.

I love CFO. I love the feeling of family you get from everyone around you. The love and acceptance of the people there. It's a great place to get away from the world, but still feel like you're at home.

Ben B.

Alabama Camp Farthest Out (CFO) has been a yearly tradition in my family since I can remember. The friendly atmosphere, beautiful scenery and awesome God encounters have changed our lives forever. We are continually blessed by the lives of the people we have met there. CFO will forever carry a special place in my families hearts.

Sam M.

I would rather come to CFO in the Middle of Nowhere Alabama than be at the most beautiful beach or city in the world because the people here are more beautiful and wonderful than the most gorgeous places on Earth. I have travelled the world and been in a lot of priveledged places with a lot of priveledged people, and NOTHING compares to the treasured times at CFO. It really does feel like a little slice of heaven. 

Virginia L.

The Presence of God was so evident at camp this year all through the week. thanks to all of you who prayed in the Presence! Thanks to all who did their part to make up the whole. CFO runs the gamete, from Ice Cream Night to Talks to Prayer Groups to Healings (inner and outer) to Youth Night to..... Praise to Our Mighty God Who does all things well!

Emily B.

I have attended Alabama Camp Farthest Out for 35 years and absolutely love it! A true mountaintop experience in the Lord. These people love Jesus with whole hearts, have an amazing capacity for loving others and for having fun. Come Find Out! One of the best kept secrets in the Christian world.

Mary Ann B.
